Tuesday, August 16, 2011

on this vomitorium

I’d like very much to cite (read: scapegoat) quality control for my total lack of updates, but this strikes me as a profoundly unprofessional thing to do (namely, it assumes that what is already here is “quality”). I think I remember originally writing something about this being the equivalent of mental/emotional vomit upon that vast canvas we call the internet, so I really shouldn’t put forth these pretentious notions that what I write is necessarily beneficial to that infinite, dark canvas. It just is.

(On a slightly unrelated note, this is my general view on the degree to which a massive communication forum is primarily malignant or positive for humanity: to grade such a massive object on such terms is pretty much an exercise in futility and, again, pretentiousness – no one ever weighs the pros and cons of humanity having vocal chords)

All this to say, I aim to increase my use of this so-called “vomitorium”, partially because a) I have been profoundly affected to hear that several friends of mine regularly check for updates (and regularly find themselves disappointed), and b) as an aspiring writer, it seems to be a deep mark against me to not maintain a simple site with the sole mission of containing my unorganized, unchecked, and (reasonably) unedited thoughts on life, the universe, and everything.

What say we dive in together then, shall we?

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